BODY-BOOK is a durational project, which aims to collect different views on the body and to expose them in a choreographed object-book. The views are collected from different practitioners whose main tool or subject is the body. These practitioners are professionals from different fields, in the first place, performing artists. Further interviewees might be body-work therapists (such as Shiatsu, Acupuncture, Body-Mind Centering, Kinesthetic therapy, Cranio-sacral therapy, etc), Yoga practitioners, body-builders, prostitutes, priests and also writers, theoreticians and philosophers who work with or explore body as a subject. By displaying and juxtaposing all their different opinions, approaches, uses and concepts of body, I hope to create a comprehensive research on what body means to us (practitioners), how do we think it, use it, treat it, develop it, deconstruct it, free it, frame it, while at the same time we live with it and in it. And then, what kind of knowledge is produced through all these different practices?
The object-book is being created since 2010. Envisioned as a book which will, in a literal sense, gain body, a specific physicality and become an entity on its own, the book's diagonal symbolically measures the same like the height of the smallest man currently living on the Earth (54cm). Interviews which take part in the book contribute words recorded, statements written down, but also drawings, body traces, or conceptual artefacts. Eventually all these will be choreographed and displayed. The object-book will offer physical experience for all senses. It will surprise a “reader” with its unconventional form and compositional unpredictability.
During the development period, parts of the BODY-BOOK might be exposed in different settings, such as festivals, galleries, libraries, various public spaces or in private viewings. This way of exposing of not yet finished product, will allow new inputs and possibility to involve other practitioners and audience in the process of creating.
Interviewed in the past: Hisako Horikawa, Jefta van Dinther, Frank Van de Ven , Fransien van der Putt, Maria Mavridou and Pablo Fontdevila (Dangerous Mouse), Robert Steijn, Paula Montecinos Oliva, Lancer/Maat, Leela May Stokholm and Anne Ahau.
If you are hosting a public event, festival, or you search for collaborations related to subjects which BODY-BOOK is exploring, you are most welcome to contact me regarding a potential collaboration.